Monday, April 20, 2009

dead chooks

I lurk in the house with the doors shut and the curtains drawn. The dog forced a hole in the fence today and disappeared. Silence, strange I thought. the neighbour's yard full of dead chook feathers and guilty dog.

Could have been a sacrifice to investigate the omens .Galba the emperor ignored such an omen before battle when the guts were healthy and the Romans stuck his head on a pole and booted it around Rome.

So I dragged that fat dog back into the house. I hide with the dog from the male part of the couple next door. Men have always been infuriated by my physical vunerability; I can't beat em up. I think this is what it comes down to, the ability to control by physical terror.

Once I was a single mother in the mountains with a baby under 6/12 .There was ice on the fern fronds and high pine trees on the way to the toilet in the night. The man next door disliked where I parked my car. He would come to my house and circle it , beating on the wall, yelling, I know you're in there , come out and move your car.

I used to hide in the bath with my baby.

Now in a similar mood I hide in the house with this chook murdering dog.

The cat was a wittness. told me about it when I went in to extract the dog and the sacrifical victim.

I guess he hated single mothers.

My mother was writing to the government to get them to stop the single parent payment when I was pregnant.

Why not lock the chooks up? A little family of animals and dope plants and two adults. Maybe he won't come in and bash at the front door and demand an equavalent sacrafice for his chook.

I remember another man from another house in the mountans. This man shook his sneakers at me and demanded money for a new pair. Said the dog ate one. How could I say fuck off I haven't got a bean to eat let alone money to spend on your sneakers.

No wonder all the little old ladies in the Tai Chi classe want to learn to beat men up. However I found it rather disquetening to be confronted by a thin old duck wanting to chop me to a state of permanent disability when ever we did partner exercises.


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